Ovih dana zivim u zurbi, pa sam iz tog razloga odlucila da izbacim moje stare slike iz emisije ''Shopingholicarke'' i video snimak pomenute emisije. Uzivaj te dragi moji:) Obozavam nedelju i moju porodicu i prijatelje :)
These days, J live in a hurry, but in this reason decided to put my old pictures from show ''Shopingholicarke'' and video where participated. Enjoy my lovely. J adore Sunday and my family and friends :) Love them ;)
These days, J live in a hurry, but in this reason decided to put my old pictures from show ''Shopingholicarke'' and video where participated. Enjoy my lovely. J adore Sunday and my family and friends :) Love them ;)
Draga ,odgledacu emisiju. :)
ОдговориИзбришиInace povecala sam slike,svrati na blog da vidis kako izgleda. Hvala ti punoooo!
Bas mi je dragaoo Gabi, sto sam ti pomogla ;) Sad ti je blog mnogooo bolji i jos lepsi! kissss