Dragi moji jos malo pa stize nam prolece, i ne mogu da ga docekam. Dosta je bilo zime i dzempera. Ovo je jedna moja stara kombinacija, kad sam bila u gradu na koktelima. Uzivaj te u nedelji. Ljubim Vas! ;)
Dear my followers is coming spring soon, and J can't wait. Enough of winter and sweaters. This is a combination of my old, when I was in town for cocktails. Enjoy these in a week. Kiss you at all ;)
Dear my followers is coming spring soon, and J can't wait. Enough of winter and sweaters. This is a combination of my old, when I was in town for cocktails. Enjoy these in a week. Kiss you at all ;)
divan ti je blog, zelis li da se pratimo?
Hvala draga :) Naravno :)