Moj omiljen mesec maj! Juce sam bila u Novom Sadu sa mojim dragim, i divno sam se provela. Opusten outfit za rucak u gradu i romanticnu setnju pored reke. Vreme nije moglo biti lepse :) Srecan svima pocetak novog meseca. Ljubim Vas!!
My favorite month may is came! Yesterday, J was in Novi Sad with my boyfriend and we spent a great time together. Something laid-back I would wear for a casual lunch and romantic walk by the river. The time could be better. Happy beginning of a new moth for everyone!
My favorite month may is came! Yesterday, J was in Novi Sad with my boyfriend and we spent a great time together. Something laid-back I would wear for a casual lunch and romantic walk by the river. The time could be better. Happy beginning of a new moth for everyone!
I meni je omiljeni mesec, ja sam majsko dete :)) Bas si slatka, tashna mi se mnogo svidja. Moram jednom i ja da odem do NS, izgleda da je prelep :))
ОдговориИзбришиHvala lepo draga :) Obavezno poseti Novi Sad, bices odusevljena gradom :):)